Mitacs research study: new evidence on how to build capacity for Social R&D
This new report summarizes the results of a Mitacs sponsored study by the Social R&D Fellowship and McGill University to /..

Social R&D Practices and Patterns v1.0
Social R&D Practices and Patterns v1.0 summarizes a 12-month effort to capture key ingredients for social mission R&D. The goal of /..

Social Finance Fund – Investment and Readiness Stream
Employment and Social Development Canada announces new funding ($50M over 2-years) to support capacity building for the sector. Social R&D /..

Capacity Building Roundtable
Practitioners, leaders, and funders, including Geoff Mulgan, CEO of Nesta, were brought together for a roundtable to clarify R&D capacity /..

SSIR: Canadian Innovation in an Age of Acceleration
In fall of 2018 Social R&D Community members were featured in a collection of articles for a supplemental section in the SSIR, The Stanford Social Innovation Review

In With Forward recommendations to ESDC on building Social R&D infrastructure
Social R&D Community Members InWithForward publish Develop & Deliver: making the case for social R&D infrastructure, making recommendations – big /..

Recommendations from Social R&D Practitioner Gathering
A gathering of practitioners as fellow travellers to compare notes, and develop mitigations to critical gaps in the Social R&D ecosystem.

Getting to Moonshot: uncovering the practice of Social R&D in Canada
A first of its kind positive deviant analysis of the R&D habits of Canadian social mission organizations.

Social R&D Declaration of Action: seeding a vibrant ecosystem for social mission R&D in Canada
An emerging alliance of front-line innovators, professionals, advocates, academics, nonprofit and foundation leaders, entrepreneurs, and public policy professionals declare a commitment to generate intentional, networked, and shared Research & Development (R&D) capabilities for lasting, positive social outcomes.